Joe Earley For Congress

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West Virginia Farm Bureau

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Joe Earley is NOT a career politician.

Joe Earley is NOT part of an entrenched, legacy political family.

Joe Earley IS a native West Virginian and a distinguished veteran that served this great nation.

The Neo-Marxists and Socialist unrelenting attacks against our nation’s laws, their contempt for the American Way of Life, their purposeful dismantling of American Values, and their indoctrination of our children under the guise of public education has resulted in a weakened America. Unless we correct this course we are on by selecting and sending true conservatives, not establishment RINOs, to Congress, the attacks on our Republic will continue.

Joe Earley IS concerned, like a large majority of Americans,
that our constitutional republic is in jeopardy.

Not Your Average Joe

As a patriot and a veteran, I have stood in the gap as a firewall, defending freedom from tyranny and liberty from oppression. As the elected representative of the 2nd District of West Virginia, I will honor the legacy of past generations of Americans that sacrificed greatly to make America the great nation it is. Our country will stand, once again, as a beacon of Freedom and Individual Liberty. Together, we will stop the increasing levels of government bureaucracies aided by "woke" corporate henchmen. Together, we will support the current generation of soldiers and families that bear the ugly scars of endless wars – many of whom have made the ultimate sacrifice in selfless service to our country to preserve the American Way of Life.

Why Am I Running?

I cannot stand idly by, watching our founding principles and our American Way of Life be destroyed. Career politicians, entrenched political families, “woke” corporations, and special interest groups are leading the charge against America and systematically dismantling our Republic and infringing on our constitutionally guaranteed rights. I intend to meet this leftist effort head-on and affect change through principled leadership and effective representation of West Virginia’s 2nd Congressional District. This representation will align with the principles enshrined within the United States Constitution and shared by my fellow West Virginians.

Military Career

Joe Earley enlisted as an Armor Crewman on January 19th, 1982, and retired from the US Army on January 31st, 2002 as an Armor First Sergeant after 20 years of distinguished enlisted service to this great nation.

Overseas assignments include service with the 3rd Squadron 11th Armored Cavalry (Blackhorse) Regiment in the Fulda Gap of the previous West Germany, two tours in the Republic of Korea (South Korea) with the 2nd Infantry Division, and a Kuwait Deployment with 3rd Battalion 69th Armor Regiment during Operation Vigilant Warrior.

Tank firing

Stateside duty includes Cavalry and Armor assignments with the 24th Infantry Division (Mechanized) at Fort Stewart, GA, the 1-10 Cavalry Combined Arms Task Force at Fort Knox, Kentucky, Drill Sergeant with 2nd and 4th Battalion 46th Infantry Regiment at Fort Knox, Kentucky, Regimental Tac NCO with the United States Corps of Cadets at the United States Military Academy at West Point, culminating as an M1A1 Tank Weapons Systems advisor to the 28th Infantry Division, Pennsylvania National Guard.

Within the tactical combat unit assignments, Joe held positions of Tank Driver, Loader, Gunner, Tank Commander, Platoon Sergeant, M1A1 Master Gunner, Military Intelligence NCO, and First Sergeant.

Authorized Decorations, Medals, and Badges:

Army Superior Unit Award and the Southwest Asia Service Medal with 1xBSS
Meritorious Service Medal (3xOLC)
Army Commendation Medal (2xOLC)
Army Achievement Medal (5xOLC)
National Defense Service Medal
Army Good Conduct Medal x5
Army Service Ribbon
Overseas Service Ribbon x3
Noncommissioned Officers Professional Development Ribbon (3)
Expert Marksman (Pistol)
Drill Sergeant Identification Badge

Joe was inducted as a life member into the prestigious United States Army Sergeant Audie L. Murphy Leadership Club

Military education includes Primary Leadership Development Course, Armor Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course, Armor Advanced Noncommissioned Officer Course, Drill Sergeant School, M1A1 Master Gunner Course, and the US Army First Sergeant Course at Fort Bliss, Texas.

While assigned as an M1A1 Tank Master Gunner, Joe deployed to the Kuwaiti Theater of Operations with the 24th Infantry Division’s, 3rd Battalion 69th Armor Regiment in support of Operation Vigilant Warrior. During this rapid deployment and as the first Tank Master Gunner deployed, Joe (then SFC Earley) was tasked to lead a forward deployed team to coordinate and establish occupancy of a Tank Weapons System range at Udari, near the Iraqi border. Under his successful leadership on this mission, the 2-7 Infantry Combined Arms Task Force Commanders were able to quickly verify the combat readiness and lethal effectiveness of forward deployed combat assets and equipment for the rapidly deployed Armor and Infantry units.

Life After The Military

Upon retiring from military service in January 2002, Joe transitioned to the private sector. He returned home to West Virginia as a federal contractor and served as Training Director of a Department of Defense (DOD) Weapons of Mass Destruction Training and Exercise Program for Military and Civilian First Responders. In 2009, Joe relocated to North Central West Virginia to serve as a liaison for DOD Biometric Experimentation and Cybersecurity programs, and as a cybersecurity program team-member with the NASA Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) Facility. Joe’s mature leadership, professional skills, high degree of integrity, and his innate desire to succeed, along with his sense of duty and selfless service to the United States of America is always on full display.

Continuing his service to our Nation, Joe serves as a Cybersecurity Engineering Professional in support of the federal workforce. Joe holds international skill certifications as an AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CCP), an ISC2 Certified Information System Security Professional (CISSP), ISC2 Certified Governance, Risk, and Compliance (CGRC) Professional, and a PMI Project Management Professional (PMP).

Joe holds a Master of Science degree in Technology Management, with emphasis on Information Security, from Marshall University. He also has a Bachelor of Science degree (Magna Cum Laude) in Occupational Training and Development from the University of Louisville.

Family Life

Joe’s wife, Stephanie, has worked in various education, business, and technology sectors. She has taught in both middle and high schools, has served as a marketing specialist in the oil and gas industry, and for the last 18 years, has worked as a test engineer on information technology systems. After meeting in 2014, they married in 2018 and reside in Bridgeport, West Virginia. Between them, they have five adult children and six grandchildren. Joe supports active veteran causes with his position as of Chairman of the newly founded Harrison County Veterans Council, as an organizational member of the Marion County Veterans Council, and as a participating member within the Veterans Administration’s Together With Vets Suicide Prevention Program. He is an active member of the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Joe is an avid outdoorsman, enjoys the shooting sports, and when he is not engaged in his cybersecurity hobbies or on the gun range, he is riding his Harley-Davidson motorcycle through the mountains of West Virginia.

Joe Earley and Wife

Important Issues

The Capital Building

Term Limits For Congress

Joe Earley is not a career politician or a former lobbyist unlike his opponent. Joe is the only candidate to sign the Term Limits pledge, because he embraces the vision of our founding fathers of a citizen’s legislature. Nothing will change in Washington if we don’t end the stranglehold of career politicians who always put their power ahead of the people. As our next Congressman, Joe Earley will co-sponsor Rep. Ralph Norman’s term limits legislation.

Economic Prosperity NOT Inflation

West Virginia needs jobs! As our next Congressman, Joe Earley will fight for economic prosperity by rolling back taxes and regulations that are job killers. Moreover, he will fully support our energy industry that has been the lifeblood of our state. We can count on Joe to support small business, revive our economy, grow jobs, and reverse bad Biden policy.

Moreover, Joe knows how the printing of money by the federal government is causing inflation and jeopardizing the fiscal stability of our nation. He is the only candidate to oppose the bad debt ceiling plan that put our nation another $4 trillion in debt. Joe will fight for a balanced budget, stop earmarking of funds, end picking winners and losers by the federal government, and restore American energy independence.

Stock Market
March For Life Parade


Joe Earley strongly believes that all life is precious. As our next Congressman, he will work to stop the devaluing of the gift of life, defund abortion providers, and support adoption. You can count on Joe Earley to stand against abortion and protect the unborn at every stage of life.

Empower Parents and Educate Next Generation

As our next Congressman, Joe Earley will work to empower parents in the classroom and get politics out of the curriculum. Joe will stop the radicalization and the gender confusion happening in our schools. As a veteran, Joe has the fortitude to take on the teacher’s union that is consumed by implementing a dangerous left-wing agenda. He supports Senate Bill S.3218: Parents’ Bill of Rights Act 2021 and will co-sponsor H.R. 5 – Parents Bill of Rights Act.

Parents in Education
Election Integrity

Election Integrity

As our next Congressman, Joe Earley will work to restore people’s faith in our electoral system. He is committed to serving on the Election Integrity Caucus when elected to Congress.

National Sovereignty

As a veteran, Joe Earley has put his life on the line to protect our freedoms and our country and he understands that peace comes from strength. As our next Congressman, he will support our military and national defense. He will NOT allow our nation to be vulnerable to foreign threats such as China, North Korea, Iran, and Russia.

National Sovereignty
Bill of Rights

Preserve ALL of Our Constitutional Rights

As a veteran, Joe Earley is a strong protector and fervent defender of Constitution and the Bill of Rights. He will fight to preserve all of our Constitution rights whether it is taking on big tech or liberal special interest groups that want to trample our First and Second amendment rights.

Unlike the woke culture, he doesn’t believe that the Constitution is a living document that can metamorphosed. The Constitution is a timeless and immutable document that aligns with Natural Law and Objective Truth. Joe Earley believes that our schools must emphasize American History and teach the importance of the United States Constitution and our constitutional rights in the classroom.

Energy Independence

As a veteran, Joe Earley has the backbone to take on the woke environmentalist in DC who oppose fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, and oil). He will work to make our country energy independent once again by leveraging America’s resources and cutting out foreign oil. West Virginia can count on Joe.

Energy Independence

Energy Independence Plan

Support reopening the Keystone XL pipeline. 
Reverse Biden's stoppage of oil leases. 
Support withdrawing the USA from the Paris Accord. 
Oppose the Green New Deal and United Nations Climate Action initiatives. 
End Biden's restrictions on coal production and domestic drilling. 
Support tax breaks for oil, gas and coal producers. 
End subsidies for solar and wind power. 
End Biden's war on conveniences such as gas stoves, dishwashers, shower heads, air conditioners, and washing machines. 
Support funding energy infrastructure projects such as pipelines, grids, refineries, and power plants.
Illegal Immigration

End Illegal Immigration

Our country is being invaded via the southern border. Like you, Joe Earley is outraged by President Biden’s failure to secure our borders. As our next Congressman, Joe Earley will stop the kicking the can down the road on the issue of illegal immigration. He will support funding building the wall, ending the catch and release program, funding ICE and so much more.

As a veteran, we can count on Joe to protect our nation provide for border security.

2nd Amendment

Second Amendment: This is the long pole in the tent regarding safeguarding our freedoms. As a life-long gun owner and 2nd Amendment practitioner, I stand firmly in protecting the Second Amendment and the right to self-defense, while also recognizing the importance of an armed citizenry for personal safety and deterrence. I advocate for National Reciprocity, ensuring law-abiding citizens can carry firearms across state lines without the weighted boot of government pressing on our God-given right to self-defense. Additionally, I believe in reevaluating the necessity and effectiveness of [abolishing] the ATF and am a staunch advocate for rescinding the 1934 National Firearms Act in its totality.

I stand firmly on these principles in support of the Second Amendment.

Defend the Second Amendment: As a strong advocate of individual freedoms, I believe in upholding and protecting the constitutional right of all Americans to bear arms, ensuring their ability to defend themselves, their loved ones, and their property.

Preserve Self-Defense Rights: It is crucial to safeguard the fundamental right of self-defense. I will fight against any attempts to infringe upon this right, ensuring that law-abiding citizens have the means to protect themselves and their families.

Oppose Gun Control Measures: I firmly stand against any legislation that seeks to restrict or limit law-abiding citizens' access to firearms. I will actively oppose any proposed gun control measures,
steadfastly defending the rights of armed Americans.

Support National Reciprocity: I will work tirelessly to establish concealed carry reciprocity across state lines, allowing law-abiding individuals to carry their firearms for self-defense purposes, regardless of the state they are in.

Promote Responsible Gun Ownership: Education and training are vital to responsible gun ownership. I will champion initiatives that promote firearm safety in the public education space, while encouraging all gun owners to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to handle firearms safely and responsibly.

Stand Against Firearms Confiscation: I am staunchly opposed to any attempts to confiscate firearms from law-abiding citizens. I will vigorously oppose any such measures, fighting to preserve the rights of individuals to possess and use firearms for lawful purposes.

Protect American Gun Ownership Tradition: The right to bear arms is deeply rooted in our nation's history and traditions. I will honor this legacy by standing firm in my support for the Second Amendment, ensuring that future generations can enjoy the same freedoms and protections that have defined our great nation.

Earley Plan To Stop Illegal Immigration

Illegal Immigrants Crossing Border
Building The Wall
No federal government payouts to illegal immigrants,
End the catch and release program that allows criminal illegal immigrants back on to our streets,
Increasing funding for ICE,
End birthright citizenship for babies born to parents who are illegally in the United States,
End chain migration for non-immediate family members,
Hold back federal funding for sanctuary states and cities,
End the abuse of asylum claims,
Prohibit taxpayer dollars from paying for attorneys for illegal immigrants,
End the visa lottery system.
Prohibit illegal aliens from receiving taxpayer-funded benefits such as health care, welfare and housing,
Increasing penalties on businesses that purposely hire illegal aliens,
Requiring mandatory employer verification,
Re-evaluate criteria for refugee status,
Strengthen background checks on visas,
Withhold certain federal funds for states that allow illegal immigrants to get drivers' licenses,
End visa overstays,
Increase penalties for human trafficking,
Increase funds for courts dealing with deportation disputes, and deny false asylum claims access to our courts, and
Enact merit-based immigration reform to expedite naturalization process.
5 Year moratorium on NEW immigration allowing us to find, deport, and sort out current backlog of applications and illegal entries.

Is It That Good?

Yes, my illegal immigration plan is that good and has been recently published on The American Conservative website. Click Here To Read More.

Press Releases

Earley Says No More Breaks for Congress

Earley Says No More Breaks for Congress

Earley Says No More Breaks for Congress BRIDGEPORT, W.Va. - Feb. 27, 2024 - Today as Congress is heading back…

Earley Challenges WV2 Opponents To 6 Debates

Earley Challenges WV2 Opponents To 6 Debates BRIDGEPORT, W.Va. - Feb. 20, 2024 - Today Veteran and Republican Congressional candidate…

Veteran Joe Earley Calls Out Travis Kelce

Veteran Joe Earley Calls Out Travis Kelce Rich Football Players should not be getting energy tax credits from the flawed…

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